Monday, August 2, 2010

Goodbye Washington...

I'm moving out of Washington! What will happen now who knows, getting everything situated, the dates are undecided to when I'll leave but I'm ready. The other day Brent and I went to the beach and I told him that I was 100% moving, which didn't pan out too well. In the end he said he wouldn't allow it and I felt so sad thinking about leaving everything we had shared together behind. He insisted we get married right away and that would make me stay. Not entirely sure if that was a marriage proposal, but we jokingly laughed it off... I personally don't want to get married anymore. I could be in a relationship for years and years and be okay with just that. As long as I'm happy I'm good. I've grown up more these past few months and I feel like I need to be selfish. I need to focus on me, my needs and wants because it's always been others who came first.

I know deep down Brent will date again, realistically it's the truth. If I do too, great but I know I'm not going to jump into another relationship, that's silly and not smart on my end. Brent is starting his own business and I'm so proud of him, he's doing what he's really good at, all on his own and every week it gets better and better. Putting time and effort, I feel needs his full attention and I will always be there for him no matter what. Now it's my turn to start doing what I love...

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