Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quote Of The Day.

This is one of my favorite movies and now I'm reading the book. One of my favorite quotes from this author is "One day can change your life. One day can ruin your life. All life really is is three or four big days that change everything." The movie is definitely worth watching, and you'll most likely cry, but it's one of my favorites. Not to mention Drew Barrymore rocked at playing this part.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ugly At Heart.

Respect is a word that not everyone has in their vocabulary. Nor is goals, or even honesty. I am someone who will treat you with the same respect that I would want to recieve back. Lord knows I have my goals I work at every day for, and most importantly, I'm honest. I'm honest with myself, and to others.

It still amazes me how people today can be so... so... so ugly. People who get mad over thee littlest things, and make it seem as if the world were coming to an end, should be embarrassed. For example, you can see a difference in those who grew up wealthy rather than those who have earned their wealth. People who grow up in that lifestyle are used to having everything being given to them rather than someone who knows what it's like to struggle. Not always, but now days it's more common.Where I am trying to get at, is that I think people are wasting their energy in getting mad over things that have no meaning or things they can't change. Why not put that energy into some importance? There are people who think they can go through life treating others as if they are a nobody. But what if that nobody later became a somebody and treated you with the same attitude? Not only is that energy being wasted, but you age quicker when you're mad. I know I'm not going to look like a grandma by the time I'm forty. What about yourself, can you say that same?

Today, I helped a woman who was rude, who had zero repsect for those around her, and quite frankly I wanted to smack the crap out of. BUT... I was raised better than that. I was raised to be repsectful, and to kill people with kindness. As much as she deserved to get told off, I smiled with not an ounce of rudeness and prayed for her. I prayed for God to help such a bitter person. And by the time I moved on to help the next person, she will always be the w for whore. The end.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


A few of my favorite things to do...

- Make breakfast in the morning with Bertha, man do we know how to cook up a meal. haha
- Go to the beach. It's my favorite place to be.
- Write "to do" lists. For some reason I have to write a list of what needs to be done, what I have to do etc.
- Laughing! It's good for the soul =)
- Antiquing!
- Taking naps. Oh boy, I will take naps everyday if I could.
- Baking. I love to bake now whether it cookies, cakes etc. I no longer eat the goods, but give them away.
- More to come.

Weight Watchers Part 2.

Weight watchers so far is going well. I like how it works and even lost a couple pounds. One day at a time. This time I'm committed to something that actually works.

I think today girls struggle with weight and appearence making it their top priority. I was one of those girls in high school. Now, here in the present it's not my top priority anymore. It's important to me yes, but I don't look in the mirror comparing myself to woman who are are smaller than me, or watching my weight every day. I no longer anaylize every minor detail on what I can do to change the way I look. I can truthfully say, to society I am a plus size girl. I heard recently, that women who are size 9 or 10 are considered *plus size* which is crazy. The majority of women in America are well above a size 9 or 10. I am comfortable with my body for the first time in years. I struggled with weight all through out high school, but in the last year or two I was tired. Mentally and physically exhausted from putting almost all my focus on how I looked. I hated shopping, and now I love it. There's so much I want to say about this subject, but at the same time I'm not prepared to write every single detail. Not yet, I need more time. *Laughs*

My Cousins.

My cousin is something else, and I mean that in a nice way heh. He was up here visiting and it's like he's never even left. For some reason, he has this brilliant idea to go to Seattle's burger place that's famous. Red mill I think, anyhow, it's on the top 20 list of burgers to eat before you die. His reaction says it all:

If you couldn't tell he's sometimes dramatic with expressions but that's what makes him him. I wanted to add videos of all of us with random memories but I have not a clue, and I am not a tech savvy person.
                                                  This was originally dated in late 2009.

My Randoms.

It's late and I can't sleep, perhaps it was the coffee I drank before I left work?... Not a good idea. Anyhow, Spring is here and I'm loving every moment of it. I'm Finally getting around to going back and finishing my drafts, all eleven of them and that's on one page itself. Maybe this is what I needed, an all nighter just recaping my previous blogs that disappeared in my posts.

Not to mention I need to go to shopaholics anonymous. For some reason I'm getting clothes left and right, okay not that bad, but still. I absolutley LOVE online shopping. *Laughs* I'm so new at shopping online, and it all began with my Victoria's Secret browse, which turned into purchasing one dress, a week later another... Oye. But I would wear dresses all year long if I could, on top of leggings.

It's funny to think about the present. What's going on in my life today. Everymorning I wake up and don't regret a thing. Am I going to regret the choices I've made if I decide to move or not? The past is the past, I've learned to forgive but never forget, and I've learned to move forward. The future though, the future is what sometimes scares me, and I'll admit that. Then the majority of the time, the future is something I sometimes plan for, and then I find myself going away from the plans and doing something completely and utterly different. I know I may not make any sense, but bloody hell, it's me writing about my random, interesting hectic life. Which never seems to have a dull moment. *Laughing again*

Another thing, what I love doing to just get away for a while( mentally), staying in and having a glass a wine and relaxing. Relaxing from the chaos I guess you can say. I feel old just saying it, but I think the girls at work have rubbed off on me.

Ending on a finer note, the boyfriend and I have been debating on adding a third party to our *family/ group* what ever you want to call it. No it's not a baby( not in the books for us) but a puppy. =) I'm super excited. We're not jumping to actions JUST yet, but we're getting around to talking about it. Which is a step for us. We'll see what happens, just one day at a time.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What A Lesson.

Everyone knows my boyfriend is rebuilding a truck. Well tonight he asked if I wanted a lesson on welding. I was a little skeptical at first, but gave in. He's always going with me to my functions, and doesn't complain too much, okay that's a lie but he still goes along. I owed it to him for me to participate in something he likes to do. It was fun actually. I don't know if it was the part of me messing up over and over, or him touching up the parts I didn't do too well on. Overall we shared some laughs. *Smiles* He says I pulled the grease look off and how hot I was in his welding gear( which were the gloves and hat.) He would say that. Although I'm not a certified welder, my lesson was definitely one of a kind, something classes would never teach. *Laughs* (And I mean that in a non dirty way)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This subject has me tossing and turning. I don't even know where to begin. There is a possability that I may be moving out of Washington and into New Mexico for a good year or so. A part of me feels that being twenty, not married, no kids can move a lot easier being than if I were older, I was married, or if I did have children. The point being, I feel like I need to move to New Mexico to help my family, to grow up a little more, to experience life in general. I love my life here in Washington, my family is here, my friends are here, the love of my life is here... I feel that I need to do this for me. But then again, this change can impact my life in so many ways...

For starters, what about my relationship with Brent? I love him so much! But I need to do this for me. Neither of us believe in long distance relationships, but to let eachother go like that, it would hurt me, but devastate him. So what do I do world? Stay to live a happy life with someone so amazing? Or... do I go out and live the unknown? Not knowing what's going to happen? Only time will tell...

Evergreen State?

Or Land of Enchantment?

Saturday, March 20, 2010


His name is Brent. He is a pain in the ass 99% of the time, and always has something to say. Whether it's an observation, a random comment or something about his truck. No matter what he's feeling, you'll know. We click when we're together. That's how we've always been. He's honest with me, tells me when I'm being a pain in the ass and isn't affraid to hurt my feelings. At the same time, he tells me the little things I do drive him crazy, but he can't help but love it. For example, my singing in the shower, as off key as I am, he listens. Or the fact how I have old lady feet that are always cold!! (No joke) Every night in bed he warms them up right next to his, making me laugh every time. =) This guy is not like any other guy and I can say that knowing it's true.

We've seen each other at our worst and best. Every morning I get a message saying "have a good day" or " I love you" and those little messages lets me know how lucky I am. *Smiles* I just wanted to write a little something about someone who makes me smile and laugh everyday. A lot has gone on these past few weeks, even months and whatever the furture holds for us, whether it's friends, or staying in a relationship I know we'll always be a part of eachothers lives.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Big Apple.

My birthday is in October and I'm planning to do something memorable. I figured might as well go big for the big 21 so of course, the big apple. It makes perfect sense, what better way to celebrate turning 21 somewhere completely different other than Vegas. Vegas will always be Sin City, don't get me wrong Vegas is exciting, but why not do something out of the ordinary? It seems that Vegas is THE place to go, but so is New York. Not to mention how much I love the place. I'm excited and can't wait, the trip is already in the works! =)

Not forgetting, I already bought my outfit too. *laughs* From Victoria's Secret, I found thee perfect dress. I absolutely fell in love with it! Don't worry I'm going to spice it up with some shoes, but I love it because it's sexy with a little bit of class.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Something So Small Can Go So Far.

I love helping people. Ever since high school, I've always been that person someone can just talk to and feel better afterwards. Someone who can vent, and I'll listen. Sometimes the best thing a person can do is just listen. It's another trait I picked up from my mom. Growing up, seeing the lives she's touched from her being such a great friend, and person in general. I know I wanted to follow her footsteps and I did. I think people are put in eachothers lives for a reason. To impact them in any way shape or form. Whether it's to put a smile on someones face, or making another laugh. Little things like that can make just the littlest difference.

Tonight, a good friend started talking to me. About what was going on in his life, how he was feeling about different obstacles he's recently faced. Hearing his thoughts, I just listened to what he had to say. I talked to him about everything that was going wrong in his life, and by the end of the conversation, he felt like a little bit of weight was lifted off his shoulders. Just doing something that small for someone is such a huge acheivement.

I am so blessed to be the person I am today, thanks to those who've impacted my life. Every little memory, every little laugh, every little cry made me who I am today and I'm still growing.