Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ugly At Heart.

Respect is a word that not everyone has in their vocabulary. Nor is goals, or even honesty. I am someone who will treat you with the same respect that I would want to recieve back. Lord knows I have my goals I work at every day for, and most importantly, I'm honest. I'm honest with myself, and to others.

It still amazes me how people today can be so... so... so ugly. People who get mad over thee littlest things, and make it seem as if the world were coming to an end, should be embarrassed. For example, you can see a difference in those who grew up wealthy rather than those who have earned their wealth. People who grow up in that lifestyle are used to having everything being given to them rather than someone who knows what it's like to struggle. Not always, but now days it's more common.Where I am trying to get at, is that I think people are wasting their energy in getting mad over things that have no meaning or things they can't change. Why not put that energy into some importance? There are people who think they can go through life treating others as if they are a nobody. But what if that nobody later became a somebody and treated you with the same attitude? Not only is that energy being wasted, but you age quicker when you're mad. I know I'm not going to look like a grandma by the time I'm forty. What about yourself, can you say that same?

Today, I helped a woman who was rude, who had zero repsect for those around her, and quite frankly I wanted to smack the crap out of. BUT... I was raised better than that. I was raised to be repsectful, and to kill people with kindness. As much as she deserved to get told off, I smiled with not an ounce of rudeness and prayed for her. I prayed for God to help such a bitter person. And by the time I moved on to help the next person, she will always be the w for whore. The end.

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