Sunday, August 8, 2010

Short End of the Stick.

Talk about having writers block. I feel like I've had so many things to write about these past few days and when it comes to putting it all out there... nada. Go figure.
On another note, I really did get the short end of the stick when it comes to my family and talents. I was talking to my mom the other day and going through pictures and listening to her tell me stories about when she was a kid(which never gets old.) I can't even draw a stick figure, my singing is terrible, I only sing in front of Brent (bless his soul for bearing it.) That's as far as my talent goes.It goes all the way to when my grandparents were young. Looking back at all the pictures, my great grandfather was a talented musician. My grandma and all her sisters and brother played instruments. Not just something here and there, they were an actual band. Pretty fascinating huh?
My grandma played the drums and to this day she knows how to jam. Then my mom and her siblings have talent like no other. My mom and aunt have pipes like you couldn't believe. When they sing you can't help but go in awe. My uncle though has talent that people dream about having. He's creative, very very artistic, so smart, plays music like no other. He's doing so great, now he's living his dream one day at a time.
Then my family comes into the picture. Being the oldest out of five, you'd think I'd pick up something over the years... again... nothing. My brother is athletic, playing sports was his thing, very good too. Then the younger kids come into the picture, Jacob has the brains, you meet this kid and can't help but think how he's going to someday find a cure for an illness, or make a difference to wildlife. He has a bunny, fish, reptiles I can't even think about it grosses me out so much, a cat and now just recently a turtle. How my step mom keeps the house spotless is beyond me. And the others are imaginative, both love to dance, I'm very blessed to be apart of such a talented family. But where did it go wrong with me? *Laughs* Or maybe I'm a talented artist with a creative side who's in the making? Perhaps? Look at Loretta Lynn for example, she learned to play guitar later on when she was already married with kids.

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